Thursday, October 31, 2013

Aristotle's Theory

Aristotle (384-322 BCE) was one of Plato's students. Additionally, he was Alexander the Great's teacher. Similar to Plato's teachings, Aristotle points out that knowledge is important. However, knowledge of the soul is the most important. Aristotle believes that all living things have a soul. He divides his theory of psyche into three different faculties mainly upon judging human beings, but it could be applied to other living things, too. In order of importance, from Aristotle's view, they are intellectual, perceptual, and nutritive. Intellectual is Aristotle belief that this was unique to humans. He even believed that it is like a sensory organ. It should not be shown as equal to the body. Additonally, intellect has two types: passive and active intellect. Passive intellect is knowledge one has before experience. While, active intellect is knowledge one gains after experience. Perceptual is how the mind comprehends details of sensory.  Finally, nutritive is how the human's basic desires are meets its bodily needs. In the end, Aristotle had believed in three distinct faculties of psyche: intellectual, perceptual, and nutritive.
I, for one, am strong believer of Aristotle's theory. He shows that knowledge is unique. Additionally, he presents that intellect, perception, and nutrition are three faculties of psyche that having varying importance. However, I feel that these are all equal. Mainly, due to the fact, that I have noticed these three faculties are dependent among each other. To have intellect, one must have an accurate perception of the world around. To have an accurate perception, one must be healthy enough to be able to use all their senses. To gain nutrition, one must have some sort of intellect on what kind of things their body needs. In order find the things necessary to keep one alive, one must have a great perception. In a way, this is a cycle. However, this cycle can go out of order. Additionally, all three of these could be happening at the same time. Although I believe in Aristotle's theory, I feel that intellect is not the highest faculty. Intellect is dependent on perception and nutrition. In one way or another, each of these faculties are dependent upon each other which is why I believe no one faculty is better than the other.
           These three types are parts of the human soul 
 according to Aristotle. It's just that they are named differently. 
Rational is intellectual. Vegetative is nutrition. Appetitive is perception.

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